
Automatically create missing-words and multiple-choice exercises with any text in any language – fast!

Teach and learn any topic, in any language available in books and course materials, automatically interactively, online.

StudyBuddy is our innovative learning tool for educators and learners. It is AI/Machine Learning driven, understands knowledge level of the learner and personalises exercises with it, speaks to the learner in selectable voices and languages. Audio, animated Gifs, photos can all be used for the exercises too!

How it works

As a self-learner, select the text of a book, StudyBuddy automatically generates a series of robust, highly personalised, interactive exercises based on multiple-choice and the Cloze passage (missing words and phrases) technique. It takes less than 1 minute for all exercises to be generated and stored in your account. Complete the exercises interactively with StudyBuddy. When you finish, your results and analytics are automatically stored in your account. You can also share them with a tutor or others.

As an educator, select the text of a course book, StudyBuddy automatically generates a series of robust, highly personalised, interactive exercises based on multiple-choice and the Cloze passage (missing words and phrases) technique. It takes less than 1 minute for all exercises to be generated and stored in your account. Share the exercise files with students to interactively complete. They share the results and analytics with you when they finish.

Register a free trial Creator and Player account here and start self-educating now! To download free exercises for your StudyBuddy, visit our brand new online education store at Tes (The London Times Education Supplement)

Set up a FREE trial StudyBuddy account below and try out StudyBuddy with free exercises you can download here. Use smartphones, tablets, laptops or even smartTVs to access StudyBuddy.

Want to quickly grab text to learn from, for example a news article, a text book, a novel, magazine article, song lyrics or even a movie subtitle file, then interact with it to learn with it? No problem, that’s exactly why we created StudyBuddy. Learn any topic in any language with auto-generated multiple-choice cloze passages with your StudyBuddy – today.

With StudyBuddy, a classic book like Alice in Wonderland takes less than a minute to generate a complete set of interactive exercises for you to learn with.

Deliver interactive decision based education to students and trainees easily and quickly. They learn by making decisions in scenarios automatically created by StudyBuddy or educators. StudyBuddy augments human educators and proven learning methods not attempt replacement.

Students and other learners need only a smartphone to access their interactive learning sessions. Schools, colleges, universities, organization and corporations can use our solution.

Educators need only a smartphone to create and distribute learning sessions easily and fast. Any language can be used. Any education topic session can be created. Text, voice, sound, music and images can also be used. Results can be shared, Internet search integration and machine learning assistance are included.

StudyBuddy is ideal for uniform, remote learning and broad education distribution.

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